Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki is a masterful storyteller that has attained international acclaim for his film and animation studio Studio Ghibli, co-founded with Isao Takahata. What is often overlooked in Miyazaki’s work however, is his masterful use of color. Rich and lush, Miyazaki uses watercolors to elevate his carefully crafted stories and intricately imagined worlds.
Brazilian Korean American artist Hyo Taek Kim however, has not overlooked this trait in Miyazaki’s work. In his recently created series of posters, Kim pays homage to Miyazaki’s use of color, creating a series of posters that distill each Ghibli film into color palettes. Taking inspiration from the graffiti scene in São Paulo, abundant wildlife in Brazil and Asian painting techniques from his father, Kim explains on his site that Miyazaki films were some of his favorites when growing up.
The series is called “The colors of” and each movie title follows this prefix, creating a simple and tasteful look at some of the key colors used in each film.
Just like our DMIJ Society6 Store, a variety of Kim’s prints are available on his Society6 page ranging from $15 to $45.